How do I manage my muted, banned, or blocked users?
If you're looking to manage your muted and banned users on ePlay, you can do it from your chat admin!
Go to Channel > Chat Admin.
Scroll to your muted/banned under "Chat Admin."
In your chat, you can timeout, ban, or block a user, you can also type the command /mute username or /ban username or /block username.

Want to know more about the different moderating options? Check out our guide on how to mute, ban, or block users from your stream.

Go to Channel > Chat Admin.
Scroll to your muted/banned under "Chat Admin."
In your chat, you can timeout, ban, or block a user, you can also type the command /mute username or /ban username or /block username.

Want to know more about the different moderating options? Check out our guide on how to mute, ban, or block users from your stream.

Updated on: 01/26/2022
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