Can I stream on ePlay right from my browser?
If you're not interested in using OBS to stream on ePlay, we've got your back! We've set it up so that you can easily stream from your preferred browser.
Click "Go Live" on the main page.
Once you're brought to the streaming dash, you'll have the ability to click "I want to use my browser to stream."
You will need to grant your browser permission to access both your microphone and webcam!

We do recommend that you primarily use Chrome or Firefox browsers for streaming, as they're the best that's out there!
If you're having any trouble getting your stream going through your browser, contact support to help with troubleshooting. How do I contact support?

Click "Go Live" on the main page.
Once you're brought to the streaming dash, you'll have the ability to click "I want to use my browser to stream."
You will need to grant your browser permission to access both your microphone and webcam!

We do recommend that you primarily use Chrome or Firefox browsers for streaming, as they're the best that's out there!
If you're having any trouble getting your stream going through your browser, contact support to help with troubleshooting. How do I contact support?

Updated on: 03/24/2021
Thank you!