Can I edit one of my posts after it's already live?
Ever realize you’ve posted something, only to notice a typo after the fact? Well, we certainly have! Not to mention all the times our pets have jumped on our keyboards to have a little creative license, only for it to not be noticed after something is live. The good news is that we have a feature in place to make it easy for you to edit your posts at any time—even if they’re already live!
Add or remove a gif!
Change a caption.
Add in a new video or photo.
You can also use this function to delete any content if you’re not satisfied with it.
We want this feature to be available nearly everywhere, so here’s the places to do it: admin > content > my posts: > from the “...” dropdown on each post or the “post box” and then going to “drafts” > from “...” dropdown at the top of the post

What can you edit?
Add or remove a gif!
Change a caption.
Add in a new video or photo.
You can also use this function to delete any content if you’re not satisfied with it.
How do you edit?
We want this feature to be available nearly everywhere, so here’s the places to do it: admin > content > my posts: > from the “...” dropdown on each post or the “post box” and then going to “drafts” > from “...” dropdown at the top of the post

Updated on: 01/27/2022
Thank you!