What types of rewards can I set up on ePlay?
You can set up any types of rewards that suit you and your channel! What you offer is up to you, and what makes you comfortable. What are some rewards? Clothing đź‘™ Request an outfit change Ask to put on stockings/heels ShowFew readersHow do I set or remove moderators for my channel?
ePlay lets you easily set moderators for your channel. It's up to you who you'd like to have as a moderator, and you can always revoke access as needed. HOW TO ADD A MODERATOR Go to Channel Chat Admin. Click "Add a Moderator." Input the moderator's E-Mail that's attached to their ePlay account. Go to ChannelFew readersWhat are rewards?
Rewards are the prizes for the viewers who visit your channel and leave you tokens! These tokens can be for a specific reward—always defined by you!—or as a tip just for enjoying your channel. This is a great way to communicate with your viewers, rewarding them for rewarding you! You can customize what rewards you want to give. You set the standards for ePplay. What is safe for you always comes first! What you offer can range from a striptease to your Snapchat handle—ultimately, the rewFew readersHow do I upload my custom emotes to my channel?
To help you customize your channel for you and your subscribers, ePlay allows streamers to upload their own emotes! These emotes will work alongside the standard emotes available on a channel. 1. Navigate to https://my.eplay.com/emote-packs 2. Click "Add Emote Pack" 3. Title the Emotes Pack - Click the "Name" field. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/wFew readersWhat are channel rules and how do I set them up?
Channel rules are guidelines that you can set for your individual broadcast. To set them up, you just need to go to your my.Eplay page to get your rules set up. Once you've navigated to this page, you can set up some rules: You can add and remove rules as you'd like! Just click X to remoFew readersHow do I monetize my social media handles?
Whether you want to give your social media handles away for free on ePlay or have someone pay, you can set them all up under Monetization Social Connections. To get them set up, head over to Monetization: Once you've clicked through, you'll likely get a page that looks a lot like this at first: Click "Add your first social network" or "Add social network" to get started! (https://storage.crisp.chFew readersHow do I schedule Live events?
Want to let your viewers know when you're going live? You can set up a live event so your fans know when to expect you and they can add it to their calendars. Another way for super easy promotion and engagement with your fans. First, head over to your profile and click the "+" button and then click "create event" Create event Once you're on youFew readersHow do I use a QR code to help advertise my ePlay channel?
Want a great way to advertise your channel? ePlay now has QR codes available, with all the customization that you'd need. You can share this QR code on your stream, social channels, and anywhere else you can think of! HOW TO GET YOUR QR CODE From eplay.com/dashboard, go Settings Share and click “get your QR code” button. From my.eplay.com Share QR code generator Or click https://my.eplay.com/broadcaster/qr-code while logged in! !Few readersDo I have to set a regular schedule?
No, you don't need to set a regular schedule with ePlay! In order to promote your stream, we do recommend that you're online with some regularity. However, the great thing about streaming with ePlay is that you're empowering yourself! (https://media2.giphy.com/media/l0MYOUI5Few readersHow do I set my pronouns on ePlay?
Since ePlay is all about inclusivity, we want to make sure that you’re able to let your best self shine. Now, you’re able to add your pronouns to your profile so that all of your viewers know how to address you! How to Set Your Pronouns Either head to “My Profile” at the top of my.eplay.com or click on your avatar in the upper right hand corner, and then My Account My Profile Your Pronouns. How your pronouns look in action! (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/wFew readersWhat are Virtual Gifts?
Virtual Gifts are a more personal way of setting goals between you and your fans. Once a Virtual Gift has been bought by one of your viewers, it'll be permanently removed from your list. GETTING STARTED Head over to Monetization Virtual Gifts. 1. Head over to Monetization Virtual Gifts. Input your gift and the cost, and once it's ready, make sure to seFew readers