Articles on: SAFETY

How does ePlay communicate with our performers?

In hopes of making it easy to get a hold of us, ePlay has set up multiple avenues for communication with our creators.


Our blog: The place for everything ePlay. From new platform updates, to upcoming events and Creator spotlights—our blog has something for everyone. Check out ePlay's blog!
Streamer Dashboard Update Notifications: When a streamer logs into their ePlay account they’ll be greeted with a pop-up containing any relevant updates. We’ll always keep these up to date.
Social media: You can find us on Instagram at @eplay_official! If you're interested in having your content promoted, please DM or tag @eplay_official on your account. Keep in mind that if your account is locked, we'll need to be mutuals before we can share anything!
E-Mail: You can always reach us via E-Mail at [email protected]
ePlay Support: Our support team is available to answer any questions or concerns you may have around the clock! Reach us here!

Updated on: 12/18/2021

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