How do I link my socials to sign in easily?
Want to streamline the logging in experience? We’re here to help!
Right now, you can use the following Social Media logins to get into your my.Eplay account:
To get these set up, head over to Account > Security under

We recommend Two-Factor authorization to keep your account extra secure!

We suggest making sure that your password is secure on all of your accounts if you do set up a sign up through any of them.

Right now, you can use the following Social Media logins to get into your my.Eplay account:
To get these set up, head over to Account > Security under

We recommend Two-Factor authorization to keep your account extra secure!

We suggest making sure that your password is secure on all of your accounts if you do set up a sign up through any of them.

Updated on: 02/18/2021
Thank you!